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21st Anniversary of Sept 11, 2001

On this 21st anniversary of September 11, 2001, let us continue to pray for and remember all who have been affected by the events of that tragic day.

As a special intention, we pray for those in our Molloy community who have suffered, including those who lost their lives and the families and friends who continue to mourn loved ones. We also pray for those who continue to experience health-related complications resulting from working or living near the World Trade Center site in the months and years that followed.

We remain grateful for all first responders who bravely acted on that day and over the course of many weeks, months, and years of recovery efforts.

We encourage you to watch a special video produced by TSA down below, which features Molloy alumnus Chris Waters ’05. In the video, Chris reflects on the 21st anniversary of September 11, 2001 and being at Molloy while the event unfolded. Chris also remembers his late father, fellow Stanner Capt. Patrick Waters’ 74, FDNY, who tragically lost his life while attempting to help others at the World Trade Center. Thank you, Chris, for the beautiful words you shared. We continue to pray for your family. *NOTE: Some footage in this video may be upsetting. Viewer discretion is advised.

Pictured right: A plaque honoring alumni and parents who lost their lives on 9/11/01 resides in Molloy’s main lobby. A memorial display and bunting are placed near the plaque annually on the anniversary. Those alumni who lost their lives are honored in Molloy's Stanner Hall of Fame.

